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Guideline DVS 3302 (09/2019)
Bonding in car body construction: evaluation of failure patterns

Adhesive bonding technology

This guideline gives concrete expression to the existing EN ISO 10365 standard on the evaluation of failure patterns for bonds in car body construction and describes the most important failure patterns, as can occur in the destructive testing of car body bonds, including repair bonding, as well as the quantification process with regard to the occurrence of different failure modes on a failure surface (multiple failures). The guideline has been created for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of failure patterns of destruction-tested bonds in car body construction and repair. Evaluation of failure patterns following destructive testing methods independent of the type of force application, can be applied to all destructively tested bonds irrespective of the type of adhesive used, both non-matured (initial) tested specimens as well as test specimens that were subjected to an (accelerated) ageing test before testing can be evaluated according to the guideline. In addition to the failure modes listed in the standard, the failure types "WF – white failure" and "COR – corrosion" have been included in this guideline. A catalogue of clearly evaluated failure patterns is provided in the appendix of the document.

Responsible people

Philipp Loermann



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