Guideline DVS 2721 (09/2018)
Requirements on qualification testers for the acceptance of welder, brazer and operator qualification tests as well as qualification tests in thermal spraying for aerospace applications
This technical code describes the possibilities for the acceptance of welder, brazer and operator qualification tests and for thermal spraying qualification for aerospace applications.
The area of application of this technical code applies to the fields of welding, brazing and thermal spraying according to the following standards:
● DIN ISO 24394: "Welding for aerospace applications - Qualification test for welders and welding operators - Fusion welding of metallic components"
● DIN ISO 11745: "Brazing for aerospace applications - Qualification test for brazers and brazing operators - Brazing of metallic components"
● DIN EN ISO 14918: "Thermal spraying - Approval testing of thermal sprayers"
● DIN EN 1418: "Welding personnel - Approval testing of welding operators for fusion welding and resistance welding setters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials"
● DIN EN ISO 14732: "Welding personnel - Qualification testing of welding operators and weld set¬ters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials"
The certification of machines and installations is not a constituent of this technical code. This technical code applies to the following statutorily regulated areas of application for production and maintenance companies dealing with civil and military aviation and space travel. This technical code has been elaborated by DVS Working Groups A 9 "Welding for Aerospace Applications" and A 9.6 "Welding and Allied Processes in Military Technology".
Marvin Keinert
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